About The Pehta Foundation

On November 30, 2023, in Edmonton, Alberta, a historic gathering took place, bringing together the founding Indigenous Community signatories, which included respected elected leaders and revered Elders, for a sacred Pipe Ceremony. This profound ceremony, deeply rooted in our traditions, breathed life into the Pehta Framework, symbolizing our collective commitment and guardianship of this living document.

In this ceremony, imbued with cultural significance and reverence, the Elders shared their prayers for three essential aspirations.

First, we sought their wisdom to ensure that the Pehta Framework remains steadfastly centered on the well-being and values of our communities. This prayer reflects our dedication to keeping the Framework aligned with the true spirit and needs of our people.

Secondly, we implored guidance for the words of the Pehta Framework to effectively direct industry actions toward the outcomes most cherished by our communities. This is a prayer for harmony and understanding between industry and our people, fostering a future where both can thrive in mutual respect and benefit.

Lastly, our prayers extend to the collective wisdom of all our communities and their rich, lived experiences. We prayed that this wisdom continually shapes and guides the Framework, ensuring that it serves not only our current needs but also paves the way for the prosperity and well-being of future generations.

This Pipe Ceremony was not just a ritual; it was a profound affirmation of our values, hopes, and the enduring strength of our communities. It was a commitment to stewardship, wisdom, and unity – principles that are the heartbeat of the Pehta Framework.

Our Mission

The Pehta Foundation is a not-for-profit organization committed to empowering Indigenous communities in Canada.

Our mission is rooted in a fundamental belief: Indigenous communities should define the standards by which their benefits, opportunities, and well-being are measured, not the market and not by other standard setters who try to speak on our behalf. We are not an accommodation or footnote to their frameworks - we speak for ourselves.

Through the Pehta Framework, we introduce a new paradigm in how industries collect, assess, and report their benefits and opportunities to our Indigenous communities and subsequently to anyone else.

Signatory Communities

Alexander First Nation
Cold Lake First Nation
Fort Nelson First Nation
Frog Lake First Nation
Kehewin Cree Nation
Paul First Nation
Whitefish Lake First Nation #128


The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations Chief unanimously endorsed the Pehta Framework on January 31, 2024 in Edmonton, Alberta.

The Pehta Framework: Revolutionizing Standards

Central to our mission is the Pehta Framework – an Indigenous Community Benefit Disclosure Standard developed by and for Indigenous communities. This initiative challenges the status quo by rejecting externally imposed metrics and value systems. It emphasizes the need for standards that resonate authentically with Indigenous communities, rather than being dictated by the market, industries, or other standard-setting bodies that attempt to incorporate Indigenous values superficially. Our approach ensures that these standards are developed from within the communities, providing a genuine, credible, and comparable measure of industry impact.

Why We Matter

In a world where Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are gaining prominence, there's a risk of Indigenous values being superficially adopted or misunderstood by external entities. The Pehta Foundation stands as a guardian of authenticity, ensuring that the 'I' in ESG is genuinely representative of Indigenous perspectives. We provide a crucial bridge between Indigenous rights and corporate responsibility, advocating for standards that truly reflect Indigenous community values and needs.

Our Approach

  • Community-Driven Standards: We believe in the power of self-determination. Our framework is built on standards developed by Indigenous communities, for Indigenous communities.

  • Redefining Industry Engagement: By working closely with industries, we guide them in understanding and implementing the Pehta Framework, ensuring their practices are measured against genuinely resonant Indigenous community benefits.

  • Shaping Investor Perspectives: Our standardized Indigenous benefit and opportunity metrics clarify for investors which projects align with true Indigenous community benefits, fostering responsible and respectful investments.

Our Vision

Our vision is a future where Indigenous communities in Canada are not just stakeholders, but leaders and definers in the national economic landscape. The Pehta Framework is more than a standard; it’s a movement towards a future where the success and well-being of Indigenous communities are measured on their terms.

Our People

A Tapestry of Diverse Excellence

At the Pehta Foundation, we believe that excellence transcends identity. Our team comprises some of the best and brightest thought leaders from varied backgrounds, each bringing unique perspectives and skills. This diversity strengthens our mission, as we draw on a wide range of experiences and viewpoints to drive our initiatives forward.

United by Shared Values and Vision

What unites our team is not just professional expertise, but a shared commitment to the path of reconciliation for all our communities. We recognize that reconciliation and progress are shaped by character and values. Our professionals, irrespective of their cultural or ethnic backgrounds, are deeply committed to principles of equity, justice, and respect for Indigenous rights and values.

Leadership Defined by Character

Leadership at the Pehta Foundation is defined by character, not just role or heritage. We seek and nurture leaders who demonstrate empathy, integrity, and a commitment to our mission. True leadership, in our view, is about advocating for change, championing rights, and guiding communities towards a better future. Our leaders are defined by their actions and dedication, not solely by their heritage.

Our Collective Commitment

The collective commitment of our diverse team is the cornerstone of our success. As we work towards advancing the Pehta Framework and creating meaningful partnerships, the dedication, expertise, and vision of our people remain our most valuable asset. They are not just part of the Pehta Foundation; they are its heart and driving force.

Join Our Movement

We invite you to be part of this transformative journey. Whether you're an Indigenous community member, an industry professional, or an investor, your involvement is crucial. Together, we can shape a future that truly honors and reflects the rights, culture, and aspirations of Indigenous communities across Canada.